Play Framework - Beginner Tutorial : Make a post request and save the form data in Mongodb

Before the tutorial You should : read Play Documentation : ScalaActions Play Documentation : ScalaForms Play Documentation : ScalaJsonAutomated have basic understanding of scala future transformation (map, flatMap) have basic understanding of scala implicits clone play2.5-skeleton-compileDI. This example uses compile-time dependency injection. You can use run-time DI if you feel confident about it. download and install mongodb (brew install mongo for mac or check the video) download and install mongochef Tutorial After the tutorial You should be able to : [Read More]

Scala libraries

Whenever I come I across a Scala library I take a note of it here. This collection is neither complete nor have I used all of these libraries. It is mainly used as a point of reference if I want to find some functionality implemented in a Scala library. Akka hseeberger/akka-sse Server Sent Events for Akka HTTP ktoso/akka-raft toy project implementing RAFT on top of Akka Cluster (not prod ready) [Read More]

Libraries for Play Framework

Whenever I come I across a Play library I take a note of it here. This collection is neither complete nor have I used all of these libraries. It is mainly used as a point of reference if I want to find some functionality implemented in a Play library. Akka tuxBurner/play-akkjobs This is a simple Play 2.6 module, which allows you to manage akka jobs. Cache KarelCemus/play-redis Play framework 2 cache plugin as an adapter to redis-server check also scala cache libraries [Read More]

Content writing