If you want to use a package.json in your play application add
- the webjars dependency
- a
in root - and the following in sbt , so you can access the javascript libraries.
val bowerPath = SettingKey[String]("bower-path", "where bower is installed")
lazy val bowerGenerateTaskImpl: Def.Initialize[Task[Seq[File]]] = (bowerPath,
streams) map {
(bower, base, s) =>
try {
Process("npm" :: "install" :: Nil) ! s.log
Process(bower :: "install" :: "--allow-root" :: Nil, base) ! s.log
s.log.info("Bower install finished")
} catch {
case e: java.io.IOException =>
"Bower couldn't be found. Please set the configuration key 'SimpleBowerKeys.bowerPath' properly. " + e.getMessage)
bowerPath := sys.props.getOrElse("pathBower", default = "bower")
lazy val bowerGen = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Run bower")
bowerGen := bowerGenerateTaskImpl.value
lazy val copyBower = TaskKey[Seq[File]]("copyRes")
copyBower := {
streams.value.log("Copy bower_components to public folder")
val source = baseDirectory.value / "bower_components"
val dest = baseDirectory.value / "public" / "bower_components"
IO.copyDirectory(source, dest)
lazy val bower = taskKey[Seq[File]]("Run bower")
bower := Def.sequential(bowerGen, copyBower).value
sourceGenerators in Compile += bower.taskValue